信州大学 Shinshu University
 理学部  Faculty of Science
  理学科  Department of Science
   物理学コース    Course of Physics
    物性理論研究室    Condensed Matter Theory Laboralory
 大学院 (修士課程)
 Graduate School (Master's Program)
 Graduate School of Science and Technology
  理学専攻  Department of Science
   理科学分野   Science Division
    物理学ユニット    Physics Unit
     物性理論グループ     Condensed Matter Theory Group
 Graduate School (Doctoral Program)
 Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology
  総合理工学専攻  Department of Science and Technology
   物質創成科学分野   Materials Science and Engineering Division
    物質解析科学ユニット    Matter and Spacetime Sciences Unit